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The Collective to Fight NeurelitismTM
The Emancipated Autism ProjectTM
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D., servant
Dedicated to Rosa Luxemburg
An Inclusive Autistic Movement bullet Neurelitism.com
G The heart of this public sociology collective is Emancipated Autism™ (MP3 audio file), demonstrated in solidarity with other dominated peoples and in revolutionary community organizing against Neurelitism™ (neurological elitism). Neurelitism (MP3 audio file), a term coined here for a type of sanism, justifies disability or oppression. As a social–and–economic–development project for Autists and the similarly dissimilar, we value sustainable development (Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda), democracy, and human rights. Membership and Participation are informal.

Materially, we fight Neurelitism by struggling against domination. Spiritually, we fight through our unity with intersections of humanity, while praying for the inner healing, and targeted scientific cures, of Autismʼs empathy and other problems. With Dialectical metaRealism, the dialectic absents (contradicts) empathyʼs absence. We shift the center of thinking, in nonviolent resistance, to the subaltern. When applying The Echoing Practice (a heart meditation) and Echoes of Cosmic Unity™, we recognize our unity with all beings and things. We then become emancipated Autists. Think you are an Autist? Take some free tests.

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United Against Neurelitism
Dr. Mark A. Foster's Autism Services
Dr. Mark A. Foster's Autistic Self-Advocacy Website
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Solidarity Fight Neurelitism!
Road to Liberation Socialist Organization (Left Refoundation)
Content is copyright © 2007- Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
This Baháʼí-inspired website is a publication of The MarkFoster.NETwork.
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MF.N. Publications Mark A. Foster Services The United Nations Crafted by Mark Foster, Ph.D.
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