The International Ventriloquial Guild Logo
•   Ventriloquism Ring   •

     The Ventriloquism Ring, sponsored by Professor Foster's Office Hours @, is open to websites which focus on this ancient art. Performers, figure makers, specialists in ventriloquiana, etc. are welcome. Your site must be no more than PG rated.

You need to complete the form on this page. Please be sure to register the exact page on which you will place the NetRing code. After the site is in the queue, I will visit it, and, if it conforms to the ring's theme, I will welcome your site into the ring.

If you are concerned that the ring's navigation bar would not neatly fit on your (main) page, I would suggest creating a separate page for it and providing a link at the top of that page to the main (home) page of your site. Be sure, when joining, that you register the page which will contain the ring code.

Once your site has been admitted into the ring, you will be entitled to represent yourself as a member of the International Ventriloquial Guild™.